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张梓杰, 刘洋洋
虎乳灵芝药材名为虎乳灵芝(Lignosus rhinoceros),为多孔菌科虎乳灵芝(Lignosus rhinoceros (Cooke) Ryv.)的菌核。具有止咳定喘、健脾化湿的功效,主要用于治疗哮喘及咳喘、感冒、发烧、食物中毒。现代研究发现其提取物具有抗氧化活性、抗肿瘤活性、抗菌活性和松弛气道作用。热带药材虎乳灵芝此前在马来西亚广泛使用,并衍生出多种产品。目前海南地区也存在其野生种,且形成一定的人工培育和种植规模。但我国对于虎乳灵芝的报道较少,同时尚未出台虎乳灵芝的药材质量标准,虎乳灵芝的用药安全缺少参考依据。为确保药材的安全,保证药材饮片的质量,迫切需要建立该药材的质量标准。本研究为制定热带药材虎乳灵芝的质量标准,对虎乳灵芝药材的性状、显微结构和薄层色谱特征进行了定性鉴别,参照《中国药典》2020年版测定其水分、总灰分、浸出物含量,并采用紫外分光光度法对总多糖等含量指标进行测定。规定虎乳灵芝药材水分含量不得超过13.0%、总灰分不得超过2.0%、水溶性浸出物含量不得少于3.0%;以无水葡萄糖作对照,虎乳灵芝药材总多糖含量不得少于0.45%。通过研究建立了虎乳灵芝专属性薄层、显微鉴别方法,并制定了虎乳灵芝药材标准。本研究方法重现性好,简便高效,可用于热带药材虎乳灵芝的质量控制,为进一步控制虎乳灵芝药材质量、研究与开发虎乳灵芝提供参考。
关键词:  虎乳灵芝,质量标准,总多糖
Establishment of quality standards for the tropical herbs Lignosus rhinoceros
The medicinal name is Lignosus rhinoceros, which is the nucleus of Lignosus rhinoceros (Cooke) Ryv. in the family Polyporaceae.It has the effects of relieving cough and asthma, strengthening the spleen and resolving dampness, and is mainly used in the treatment of asthma and coughing, colds, fever and food poisoning. The tropical herb Lignosus rhinoceros was previously widely used in Malaysia and has given rise to a variety of products. At present, the wild species also exists in Hainan, and a certain scale of artificial cultivation and planting has been formed. However, there are fewer reports on Lignosus rhinoceros in China.Modern studies have found that its extracts have antioxidant activity, antitumor activity, antibacterial activity and airway relaxation.Up to now, there is no quality standard for the herbs of Lignosus rhinoceros, and there is a lack of reference basis for the safety of Lignosus rhinoceros. In order to ensure the safety of the medicinal material and to guarantee the quality of herbs and tablets, there is an urgent need to establish quality standards for this medicinal material.To study the quality standard of Hainan customary medicinal herb Lignosus rhinoceros. Lignosus rhinoceros were used as the study object, Lignosus rhinoceros were identified by characteristic, microscopic and TLC; The contents of water, total ash and extract contents of Lignosus rhinoceros were determined by according to the methods of Chinese Pharmacopoeia in 2020. UV spectrophotometric method for the determination of total sugars content.The quality standards of Lignosus rhinoceros are that the moisture content shall not exceed 13.0%, the total ash shall not exceed 2.0%, and the content of water-soluble leachate shall not be less than 3.0%; and with dextrose anhydrous as the control, the total sugars content of Lignosus rhinoceros should not be less than 0.45%. The results of the study established a proprietary thin-layer identification method for Lignosus rhinoceros and derived the optimal extraction process for the total flavonoids of Lignosus rhinoceros The method is reproducible, simple and efficient, and can be used for the quality control of Lignosus rhinoceros, It provides reference for the further control of the quality of the herbs of Lignosus rhinoceros, and for the research and development of Lignosus rhinoceros.
Key words:  Lignosus rhinoceros  Quality standard  Total sugars