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张欢, 李怀, 唐晓峰
关键词:  Argonaute  DNA干扰  核酸切割
Argonaute-mediated interference and its application
Argonaute (Ago) proteins are nucleic acid-binding proteins, some of which have endonuclease activity. Ago proteins are present in all domains of life. In the past, researchers mainly focused on eukaryotic Ago proteins. Eukaryotic Ago proteins load small interfering RNAs to form the RNA-induced silencing complex, which is an important part of the RNA interference pathways, and have physiological functions such as inhibiting transposon activity, resisting viral infection and participating in developmental regulation. In recent years, more researchers have begun to focus on prokaryote Ago proteins. Different from eukaryotic Ago proteins, prokaryotic Ago proteins have more diverse structures, and prefer to load single-stranded DNA guides for DNA interference. Different prokaryotic Ago proteins provide immune defense to the host through different interference pathways in vivo. Since some of the prokaryotic Ago proteins have the ability to target recognition and cleavage of DNA or RNA strands, they can be applied in nucleic acid detection, gene mutation detection, fluorescence in situ hybridization technology, etc., and have great application potential in gene editing. In this paper, we provide a review of the classification and physiological functions of Ago proteins, the in vivo interference pathways and application prospect of prokaryotic Ago proteins.
Key words:  Argonaute  DNA interference  nucleic acid cleavage