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蔡彦君1, 吴雯雯1, 杨冰冰1, 张霞1, 刘文1, 何正权1, 桑子阳2
关键词:  盐肤木  SSR  遗传多样性  聚类分析
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Rhus chinensis based on SSR Marker
Wu Wenwen,Yang Bingbing,Zhang Xia,Liu Wen,He Zhengquan
Biotechnology Research Center of Three Gorges University,Key Laboratory of Plant Genetics and Germplasm Innovation in the Three Gorges Region,Yichang
To study the genetic diversity of Rhus chinensis Mill population and lay a theoretical foundation for the rational management, protection and utilization of Rhus chinensis germplasm resources. Methods: Using 14 pairs of SSR primers, the genetic diversity of 153 Rhus germplasm resources from 5 regions in 4 provinces was studied, the genetic diversity parameters were calculated, and the genetic relationship and cluster analysis were carried out. Results: (1) 14 pairs of SSR primers were amplified to 105 alleles in 153 samples, and the average number of alleles per pair was 7.5. (2) Nei"s diversity index (H) ranged from 0.206 to 0.413, with an average value of 0.316; The Shannon Diversity Information Index (I) ranged from 0.356 to 0.600, with an average value of 0.484. (3) The effective alleles (Ne), Nei"s diversity index (H) and Shannon diversity information index (I) were 1.335-1.556, 0.197-0.316 and 0.302-0.467 respectively. (4) The genetic differentiation coefficient (Gst) of the population was 0.257, and the inter-population gene flow was 1.445 (Nm > 1). (5) The coefficient of genetic diversity and cluster analysis showed that the 5 populations were grouped into two groups, and Rhus chinensis was preferentially grouped. Conclusion: The genetic diversity of Rhus chinensis is high, the genetic variation mainly exists within the population, and there is frequent gene exchange among the populations. The genetic relationship of Rhus Chinensis is related to the geographical location. The results of this study can provide reference for the breeding of excellent germplasm of Rhus chinensis in later period.
Key words:  Rhus  chinensis Mill, SSR , Genetic  diversity, Cluster  analysis