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1.南京工业大学 生物与制药工程学院;2.香港浸会大学 生物资源与农业研究所,香港 999077
关键词:  餐厨垃圾  预分选方法  资源化利用  污染控制
Research status and prospect of food waste utilization technology
ZHOU Jun1,2,WANG Mengyao1,WANG Gaihong1,MA Liqin1,LUO Liwen2
1.WONG Jonathan Woon Chung2;2.College of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, Jiangsu, China
Food waste is large in quantity, complex in composition, and has the dual characteristics of “harmfulness” and “resources”. With the development of waste separation, more attention will be paid to the recycling of food waste. This review introduces the characteristics of food waste and its pre-sorting methods. Meanwhile, the main utilization methods of food waste including anaerobic digestion, aerobic composting, biological feed, insect breeding, heat treatment, and bio-refining of high value-added chemicals are stated. The environmental issues, such as odor emission and water pollution, generated in the food waste pre-/post-treatment procedures are demonstrated as well. In addition, here we have pointed out how to maintain the stability of equipment during operation and control relevant water and air pollutions during different food waste treatment processes. The energetic and economic considerations, which reduce energy consumption and improve high value-added carbon-base material, will be important for further development treating food waste. On this aspect, bio-refining is regarded as an effective technology to generate high value-added chemicals from food waste, which has great potential to instead of the traditional chemical industry routes for producing chemicals. Therefore, the combination of different technologies is necessary to treat and utilize food waste effectively. This helps to achieve the goal of the reduction, harmless and recycling of food waste, also fulfill the requirement of the bio-circular economy and sustainable development.
Key words:  food waste  pre-sorting method  resource utilization  pollution control