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1.盐城师范学院,江苏省盐土生物资源研究重点实验室/江苏省滩涂生物资源与环境保护重点实验室/江苏滩涂生物农业协同创新中心;2.西北农林科技大学,陕西 杨凌,712100;3.杨凌成磊农业科技研究所,陕西 杨凌,712100
关键词:  软枣猕猴桃  控制授粉  单果重  可溶性固形物  种子数量
Effect of controlled pollination on fruit and seed of Actinidia argute
YANG Ruiping1,2,AN Chengli2,LIU Zhande2,YUE Xiuqin3,HU Man1,2,3,CHEN Yang3,TANG Boping1
1.Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Bioresources of Saline Soils/Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Coastal Wetland Bioresources and Environmental Protection/Jiangsu Synthetic Innovation Center for Coastal Bio-agriculture, Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng 224007, Jiangsu, China;2.Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Yangling 712100, Shannxi, China;3.Yangling Chenglei Research Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Yangling 712100, Shannxi, China
In order to study the pollination rule of Actinidia argute, we took 11 years old Actinidia argute purple fruit No.3 as materials, and set 8 treatment groups (0,2,5,8,11,14,17,23) according to the number of reserved pollinated stigmas. All of them were artificially pollinated. Some indexes were measured after harvest, including fruit setting rate, single fruit weight, fruit shape, fruit soluble solid contents and the seed number. The results showed that with the increase of pollination stigma number, the main indexes increased accordingly. When the pollination stigmas were 8, fruit shape and fruit soluble solids contents had no significant difference with control group (the pollination stigmas were 23). When the most number of stigmas reserved was 11, the indicators of fruit setting rate, single fruit weight, and the seed number had no difference in indexes compared with the control group (the pollination stigmas were 23). When pollinated stigma number was less than 11, yield reduced and quality declined. When the pollination stigmas were more than 11, pollens were wasted. So the order of magnitude index for fully pollination of Actinidia argute is 11. Accurate and sufficient pollination technology can be used in production to save the use of pollen or reduce the number of male orchard plants to improve the production efficiency.
Key words:  Actinidia argute  controlled pollination  single fruit weight  soluble solid content  seed number